HHART Supports the Bakersfield Police Department
Bakersfield Police Officers Are Heroes
The Bakersfield Police Department is one of the busiest departments in the country. With about 400,000 interactions with the community, including over 100,000 traffic stops. The Bakersfield Police Department is often stretched to its limits. HHART is happy to offer our support for this incredible service. We believe in helping the police department in any way that we can. This includes raising awareness and raising money to gain essential resources that will help them do their job safely and more effectively.
The Bakersfield Police Department has been a leader in law enforcement for more than a century. The Department has grown with the town, adapting to changes in population and crime. It was one of the first departments in California to use fingerprinting, to use radios, and to form a motorcycle squad. For over 100 years, they have made a positive impact on the safety of our community. The Bakersfield Police Department has about 400 sworn officers and 40 civilians that work to serve and protect the city and its residents. In that time, they have saved countless lives and made a difference in countless others.

The Bakersfield Police Department
has Earned Our Respect
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The Bakersfield Police Department
Prioritizes Road Safety
The Bakersfield Police Department has made it their mission to make the roads safer for all. Deaths and injuries associated with road traffic accidents remain a primary public health concern. Bakersfield has one of the highest rates of car accidents in California, and this number is only increasing. According to the Bakersfield Police Department, there were 4,727 collisions last year. This means that there are over 16 crashes per day. Road safety is a major issue in our community, as over ten thousand people were injured or killed on the road in the past decade. This is an unacceptable amount of preventable loss.
The Bakersfield Police Department continues to prioritize road safety by ensuring that traffic police have sufficient resources. That notwithstanding, we continue to lose more lives through road traffic accidents in Bakersfield than from other crimes. The trend has heightened the public calls for increased visible police presence on Bakersfield roads. The enforcement of traffic laws on our roads reduces risk-driving behaviors and contributes to safe road use.
The Bakersfield Police Department
Deserves Our Admiration!
Auto accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the United States, and it’s important that we enforce rules and regulations to keep our roads safe. A substantial proportion of road crashes are because of human error. With this in mind, Bakersfield Police Department has focused on raising awareness on proper road use for walkers, drivers, and riders. Some initiatives to safer roads that the department employs include education, enforcement, and an increased police presence. Traffic police have been faithful in enforcing speed limits and making sure all vehicles are in safe working order.
These efforts have complemented and support the education measures in place, targeting dangerous, irresponsible, and unlawful conduct that endangers the lives of other people on the roads. Traffic police are a pivotal aspect of the Bakersfield Police Department’s road safety strategy and assume a critical role in minimizing injuries and saving lives.
As the Bakersfield Police Department, particularly the traffic police, continues to battle the increasing road carnage, they are putting their lives in harm’s way. Therefore, it is only right that we commend them for their commitment, enthusiasm, and unrelenting pursuit of safer roads. The Bakersfield Police Department and its leadership’s commitment, courage, and dedication deserve HHART’s admiration and gratitude.
No one should have to experience the loss of a family member or friend in a fatal car accident. The Bakersfield Police Department has been working to make a difference in the community since 1872. These dedicated people have been integral in rebuilding the Bakersfield community. We can all do more to honor these heroic men and women that sacrifice so much for us every day.
Bakersfield Police Department
has saved countless lives and made a difference.
The Bakersfield Police Department deserves praise and honor for its dedication to protecting our community. They take on crime like it’s an everyday task, never letting up on the pressure. The leadership of BPD is always looking for ways to improve; they don’t just let things be but strive to do better. According to the department, they “have seen success in reducing crime and increasing arrests through our commitment to traffic enforcement.”